View of exhibition space for degree show performanc, Mdf wood and crash pad, 3.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 m
Display view of Undercling, 2023, ink on paper, beech dowel, brass and MDF wood, 500 x 150 cm

A collection of details from various performaces with ink
Material and Process Research

Testing out degree show performance, Mdf wood, 3.5 x 2.5 m

Testing installation display of paper documentation of marks from performance.
Exploring risk/sense of jeoprady through building and performing on MDF platforms.
Considering movement and time, how recorded time is no longer linear. The roles of the videos becoming one of documentation similar to the collections of marked paper. In addition to exploring the dynamic landscapes of the platforms as extensions of my environment.

Thinking about materiality of ink and chalk in relation to climbing/ landscape/ time and the present. I have been ruminating on the purpose of filming as a means of documentation
After signing up to learning how to edit on Adobe Premier Pro, I have used this skill to edit the video's from my performance's. I have followed the same format of compiling them into a looped, never ending cycle.

Undercling, 2023, ink on paper, 500 x 150 cm/duration
what i playfully refer to my 'Ink Bag', is a modiefied chalk bag of mine that I have lined with a plastic, zip-lock bag to hold the ink.

Hands and feet (2 pass), Jan 2023, Ink on Paper, size/ duration

Through booking into teaching slots for DSLR cameras, video workshops, and wood work developed my ablility to document my work. Such as, by understanding camera settings, filming performances, editing work and constructing my platforms, was from my avid involvement with the workshops available. This enabled a professional documentation of my practice and extension of my environment.
Photographic documentation of chalk marks from various quarries I climb at

Parbold Quarry

Denham Quarry
Engaging with play and climbing in the studios, considering environment, art insitutions, body-action, everyday objects as environment and/or props.
14 Mar 2023
17 Mar 2023

19 Jan 2023